Reproducible Low-Cost Arm Benchmark, report
RSS 2019
Montezuma’s revenge and pitfall
- 1) remember states that havepreviously been visited
- 2) first return to a promising state (without exploration),then explore from it
- 3) solve simulated environments through exploiting any available means (including by introducing determinism), then robustify (create a policy that can reliably perform the solution) via imitation learning.
for the MuJoCo benchmarks, wider state initialization give you more gains than pretty much any change between RL algorithms and model architectures
ODE and Gazebo have the contact support
(openai gym)[]
Arcade Learning Environment(
aleatoric (inherent system stochasticity)
epistemic (subjective uncertainty, due to limited data)
Gaussian process
is a stochastic process (a collection of random variables indexed by time or space), such that every finite collection of those random variables has a multivariate normal distribution, i.e. every finite linear combination of them is normally distributed.
Ensembles of bootstrapped models
CEM: samples actions from a distribution closer to previous action samples that yielded high reward
Specifically, aleatoric state variance is the average variance of particles of same bootstrap,
whilst epistemic state variance is the variance of the average of particles of same bootstrap indexes.
Residual policy learning
fully-actuated in state (q,q˙) at time t if it is able to command any instantaneous acceleration in q underactuated in state (q,q˙) at time t if it is not able to command an arbitrary instantaneous acceleration in q
semi-mdp(Sutton 1999)
require env to be inversible, arbitraily resetting env to any states. some env don’t.
(Learning to Select and GeneralizeStriking Movements in Robot Table Tennis)[]
([Learning with latent language]
human preference
Assessing Generalization in Deep Reinforcement Learning
variations in environment dynamics
HalfCheetah under varying joint frictions.
Each environment has three versions: default; random; extreme
EPOpt trains an agent to be robust to environment variations by maximizing a risk-sensitive reward RL2 aims to learn a policy that can adapt to the environment at hand using the observed trajectory
A Dissection of Overfitting and Generalization inContinuous Reinforcement Learning
how to define and diagnose overfitting inMDPs, and how to reduce risks by injecting sufficient training diversity
tasks that received observations from natural images and explore generalization in that setting as well
as soon as there is enough training data diversity in thesimulated environment, deep RL generalizes well
deepRL algorithms show more prominent overfitting when observing natural data.
Results suggest that explicitly learning the dynamics model compounds existing bias in the datain the limited training seed regime
a methodology for detecting overfitting
eval-uation metrics for within-task and out-of-task generalization, consider two mechanisms for injecting noise intothe domain
- an expansion of the initial state distribution, which we implementby applying a multiplier to the initial state chosen.
- Second, we evaluate policy robustness by adding Gaussian noise n ∼ N(0,σ2) directly to theobservation space
training random seeds
generalization error: empirical error difference between test and training
procedural generation of video game levels during training to improve generalization to human-designed levels at test time
safety in grid world
variations in environment dynamics
compare gym and dm environment
Quantile Regression Q learning
quantile Q(s,a) to atoms = \sum p_i x_i
sample r, s’ from replay buffer, then sample from r + \gamma Z(s’, a_\star), quantile atoms to equidistant grids, compute cross-entropy loss
unify cross-entropy and KL divergence:
m is the prob of aligned atoms of \(r + \gamma Z(x_{x+1}, a^{\star})\), and true prob $p(x_t, a_t; \theta)$ is aligned atoms of Z(x_t,a)
derivatives of KL(m | p_{\theta}) wrt. \theta is derivative of entropy H(m, p_{\theta}), which is the gradient of cross entropy loss function $\sum m_i \log p_i(x_t, a_t; \theta)$ |
A Distributional Perspective on Reinforcement Learning
fixed quantile -> variable length gaps
slice to N equal mass, put atoms at median
Huber loss for computing quantile gradient
Wasserstein metric
\[\mathcal{W}_{p}(X,Y)=\left(\int_{0}^{1}\left|F_{X}^{-1}(u)-F_{Y}^{-1}(u)\right|^{p}du\right)^{1/p}\]integrate discrepancy region, different between CDF
W distance is reduced when medians are aligned
why not simple regression: the expectation of the quantiles are not the quantiles of the expectation
tune net
tune the simulation physics from physics in real world
human correction of pose keyframes
correction matrix to transform trajactories
diligent robot hospital service robot
reward shaping behavioral cloning reverse curriculum generation
sticky actions section 5.2
Deep Reinforcement Learning that Matters