Josherich's Blog


Episode 30: Ranking the AI Labs, Ten Thousand Steve Jobs in a Coffee Machine

06 Feb 2025

Episode 30: Ranking the AI Labs, Ten Thousand Steve Jobs in a Coffee Machine

Hello. It’s Transistor Radio. It always will be. And I guess I’m trying to talk because Jordan’s going to upload it.

So, welcome back to another Chit Chat with your four favorite horsemen of the semiconductor apocalypse. This week, we don’t want to talk about Deep Seek. I’m sure we’ll talk about some AI labs. We’ll talk about all kinds of things. It’s the middle of earnings season, but the one thing we don’t want to talk about is Deep Seek. So, we’re going to preface it with that. How’s that sound?

Let’s kick it off with Dylan’s star turn. Give us a little bit of color on the Lex experience. Well, okay. Not just Lex, he did BG2. It’s been a generational run. Can we talk about how Semi-Analysis did not call the Luka Doncic trade? Fucking insane. How did we miss this? I want to apologize to everyone here that we did not call the Luka Doncic trade. This is very bad intelligence. Our data team totally messed up.

You know, the Semi-Analysis photos… we can’t blame the juniors. I’m just kidding. We’re blaming the senior and the data team. We’re blaming it on Doug, the man from Dallas. You should be having the inside scoop here. Myron is in Japan so he can get the Japanese intel. Wega’s in Taiwan so he can get the Taiwanese intel. You’re in Dallas. You should have done this, Doug. I’m actually in Denver, but I’m from Dallas.

I had no idea. I’m going to be honest with you, I’m not into sports. But I do get to watch all my friends who are really into sports care a lot, and it’s a bit of a meltdown. Dallas has some losing energy when it comes to sports in general. And Luka was a bit of a win recently. Both my friends are Mavericks fans and Cowboy fans. Cowboy fans, every year, horrible. They’re always saying, “Better luck next year, right?” And then they’re like, “You know what, though? At least we got Luka.” And now it’s like, never mind. Actually, you don’t. So, bear markets are everywhere. The biggest bear market is being a Dallas sports fan right now.

Do you think I can troll your friends from your 30th birthday? Like, if I just post in there something, I could get legitimately angry reactions? Most of them are not from Dallas. My biggest sports friend wasn’t there, unfortunately. If he was there… I don’t know, maybe he listens to this, but Bo is there. I don’t want to say his name, but the guy whose name starts with an S… is he not a sports fan? He kind of seemed like one. He is a sports fan, but I don’t know. I think he’s more of a soccer guy.

My friends care way too much about sports. I don’t care that much, except for Georgia football. Doug doesn’t care about sports. John cares about basketball. Lakers fan, baby. John, aren’t you a Lakers fan? So that means you’re winning right now, right? I’m having the best time. I forgot everything. All the news and work didn’t get done. I’m having a ball. Wait, but hold on. Luka Doncic is fat.

It seems like editing. Oh my God. This is editing. For the record, Jordan just ended the recording because of some audio issue, and now he’s restarting. There were no edits. There were no cuts. I want you guys to give them all the hate mail. We don’t get hate mail when our audio is bad. We get hate mail when you cut out a valuable minute of our speaking. It was like 15 seconds. We’re being censored right now. Is it the China talk?

I was going to say, China talk? A little suspicious, huh? Say the T word, and we’ll press pause on this recording again, Doug. I dare you. Would you really pause the recording if we put the word in that makes DeepSeek stop responding? Don’t say it. Anyway, let’s just move on to another topic. Let’s talk earnings.

Google came out of nowhere, and they actually did a Chad thing for the first time in a long time because they haven’t been Chad this entire time. They’ve been super conservative. And instead of doing $55 billion of CapEx, they said, actually, we’re doing $75 billion. That’s probably the biggest piece of news in earnings so far. Meta is doing $65 billion. You know, who’s even counting? But is it really Chad if Microsoft is still higher?

That’s a great question. I guess next week with Dylan on this historic streak, we’ll get Satya on the pod. We can ask him himself. I thought it was Joe Rogan next. Joe Rogan, Dylan, and Satya. You got to go on a podcast diet until you go on Joe Rogan. He’s the only one. It’s transistor radio and then nothing else until you really hit the big time. So, it’s pretty Chad of Google, though.

Because they can… it’s pretty Chad. I think Sundar woke up and decided he wanted to be CEO instead of being a watcher. He’s one of those guys who likes to sit in the chair and watch, and this time he decided he’s going to be the CEO. Do you guys think Waymo had anything to do with it? Waymo CapEx… I don’t think they… Within the last quarter, they’ve got it to $5 billion of Waymo CapEx. So, the big differential cannot be just data centers and AI.

$5 billion of Waymo CapEx? What does that mean in terms of car count? I think it’s like $300K a car or something like that. I need to actually work on the estimate for that. But, yeah, I think they’ve already committed $5 billion. And so, that’s $50K-ish of Waymos or something like that. Obviously, that’s going well. But the rest of it, the big differential is they’re just spending a lot more. Some people think… who knows? The salary model might tell you different things.

I was so excited for self-driving cars. But if you say it’s $200,000, right? Because the car’s like $100,000, the self-driving tech is $100,000. That’s only $25K cars. These are Jaguars. Jaguars are not cheap. So, why do you say it’s a $25K car? No, it’s 25,000 cars. That’s nothing.

Yeah, I think they’re doing it pretty slow. But on the call, Sundar seemed to take it pretty personally. This is the first time I feel like… Because, semi-analysis has been like, “Come on. Where are you at, big dog? You have the capability to totally change the game,” given that they have TPUs. And on the call, it felt very personal, almost. Like he was very much like, “No, I’m here. I’m not going to let this one pass me by. It’s time for $75 billion. Don’t forget about Google.” So, yeah. What do they spend that on? TPUs, baby.

For their crappy AI Google search? It’s actually not that bad. It got a lot better. Google just sucks at making the product into… Like, they’re good at technology and pretty bad at making it into a product. Like, the Notebook LM team left. But Notebook LM is a pretty good example of a pretty realized version of the future, where it’s a relatively fixed blueprint of what you want to happen. There’s a really good one they have of image plus sound plus vibe. And it gives you essentially a dynamic thing back to you. But, they’re really good at creating that kind of recipe.

And Deep Research, they did it first. Like, there was some search that they were doing with essentially a perplexity clone at OpenAI. But OpenAI really copied Deep Research. Now, Deep Research 03 is pretty cracked. It’s very good. But Google did it first. And I’ve been using Google Deep Research for a while. And it’s a pretty good product. They just aren’t good at being all in. They never commit all in. Maybe this is them committing all in for the first time ever. But apparently it’s not that great. And maybe that’s what they’re spending the money on – just making more compute to make that product better.

They just have a product issue, truly. They really cannot ship a product well. They’ve done this their entire life. Killed by That’s all you need to know. Do I have something to say? Dylan’s gone, dude. He’s talking to us. I got nothing to say.

Should we move on to the Mandate of Heaven rankings? From Layton Space Guy? Oh, I was just talking about all the AI. Who has the Mandate of Heaven? I really like calling it Mandate of Heaven, by the way. So, Dario on China Talk this week gave five name checks: OpenAI, Google, Anthropic, perhaps Meta and XAI. Now, DeepSeek may be being added to that category. So, these are our horses. He said perhaps for the last two.

Zuck says, “I’m going to show you $60 billion. I’m going to show up. What are you going to do?” Bottom tier, who are we starting with? Probably XAI. XAI is definitely the bottom right now. I was going to say, they have a cluster, but they don’t have a good model. They have pre-training. They have a big frontier model. They don’t have anything that makes it into a good model. The difference between, you know, Sonnet 3.5 or the post-training or the things that make it an enjoyable user experience, I think they don’t really have. They’re still figuring it out. So, they have the resources. They are definitely a V0, V1. They definitely have enough compute to show up, but their model is fine. Dylan might have special insight that I do not.

Then, after that, Meta, because Meta got owned by DeepSeek in public, which is kind of embarrassing, respectfully. And then all the news items coming out where Mark Zuckerberg is getting these teams putting together to copy what DeepSeek does. You can’t just Snapchat a model company. I mean, maybe you can, but it is really embarrassing. That’s very his vibe, right? To copy quickly.

I really like the meme where it’s like Tony Stark was able to build this with a box of scraps, and that’s Zuckerberg screaming to the Llama team. That’s pretty funny. We had this movie before where Satya goes to the Microsoft research team and is like, “There’s 2,500 of you and 200 people at OpenAI. What the hell are you even doing working at my company?” So, this movie just keeps on playing out. It’s all about the organizational structure of your research team. It’s kind of unbelievable. But does this last forever? When is money going to matter again? Never did.

It’s clear you have to believe in the magic Houdini out of the hat eating everyone to make a good model. Magic Houdini eating everyone? Like coming out of the hat with the rabbit, and then eating everyone because rabbits are supposed to be cute and cuddly, but mythologically, rabbits can sometimes be monsters. Bad analogy. Dylan, is this a Monty Python reference? Dude, you’ve been going on podcasts for weeks having the most glorious run of all time. And you pull… what? You’re better than this, buddy.

Rabbit out of the hat. Pull the rabbit out of the hat. Let me rephrase this. You have to believe in the Shoggoth to make a good model. I truly believe it because OpenAI believes in the Shoggoth. Anthropic believes in the Shoggoth. Google, to some extent, believes in the Shoggoth. Meta probably doesn’t believe in the Shoggoth. And then XAI, they believe in the Shoggoth, but they also believe in a lot of other things. DeepSeek… Have y’all seen the interviews of Lian Wenfeng? He believes in the Shoggoth. So, if you don’t believe in the Shoggoth, you can’t make a good model. And so, Meta’s losing. So, you’re not saying tier ranking, you’re saying everyone who’s Shoggoths and those who are not Shoggoths. That makes sense to me.

Look, if you’re not going to parties and ranting about AI safety, who even are you? Lian Wenfeng, because he didn’t give two shits. He has a different AI safety committee. It’s called the Chinese Communist Party. Different AI safety metrics. No, he believes in AGI and stuff. And then I guess he does go to parties a lot. I’ve heard he goes to these karaoke parties where women show up. It’s quite interesting. Someone was telling me. Just so you know, that’s an avenue of information. But apparently this is very common.

He wasn’t famous until last week. He’s still a billionaire. We have to describe Shoggoth, right? Pretty much like Cthulhu, like HP Lovecraft, like a terrifying being of madness beyond comprehension. You said Chaluthu? I can’t say it. I thought you meant the hot sauce Chalulu. I thought I was the dyslexic one. I’m dyslexic as fuck. Cthulhu. Have y’all not seen semi-analysis articles when they go out in your email inbox?

One of my friends, every single time we put out a new article, he sends me a screenshot and he’s like, “Crimes against editing, crimes against humanity.” Every single time. Does he send you corrections? The grammar… the deep sequin got me a little upset. There was one… I don’t know. The deep sequin, you got the A and N’s wrong. I wrote that! Dude, you don’t understand. These things are hard.

There’s a meme internally about the Dylan whisperers. Because I’ll be meeting someone, I’ll be writing random notes at a conference quickly while not looking at my screen, just typing away and clicking send. And then people will be like, “What the fuck is he talking about?” And then usually at least one person can figure it out. But the all-time peak… Myron… there’s an all-time record. It’s incomprehensibly good. Longest-term employee. Dude, but truly just beyond comprehension. But the typos, we’re working on it. I send everyone a book about writing. We’re using more AI. We’re moving on. We’re working on it.

So, DeepSeek, the bottom of the top tier, what are we doing with Google, OpenAI, and Anthropic? Probably Google. I thought we were putting DeepSeek above Meta because they just made them look like clowns and they believe in the Shoggoth. Yeah. We’re going bottom to top. So, we got XAI, we got Meta, and now we’re at DeepSeek as number four. I actually think Meta will be better, but I’m just doing it for the bit. They need to hire some people who believe in the Shoggoth. It’s that simple. They do have some people.

So, DeepSeek, and then I guess now it’s the top three. So, it’s probably Google, Anthropic, OpenAI. Make the case. Google, because they invented a lot of technology, they have a fantastic infrastructure, they literally have top to bottom, you just saw 2.0 come out today. It’s really cheap and really performant. It isn’t state of the art, but the cost of putting out the tokens does matter. Google has technology. I feel like in this race, they’re also the only other actual large company. And I think the large company bureaucracy is what is holding them back. They probably… if they had a very tight team like OpenAI or like Anthropic even, and they had unlimited resources and they could just break things constantly and they didn’t have to insert all their products into the rest of the Google sphere and have some Google PM be like, “Well, how does this work with search?” My understanding is they’re pretty safety-filled. That’s where Google’s at. Now, I’m not going to say they’re bad. They can obviously cook. They have the infrastructure and they’re the only vertical player. Vibes-based Google number three.

And then I’m going to let Dylan do Anthropic because I feel like vibes inside seem really good, but I’m like, reasoning model when? Multi-model model when? They won’t put the voice model they’ve had for a year and a half now out because of safety. They won’t put reasoning out right now because they’re worried about safety. It’s the only L, but Sonnet 3.5 is so good. They fear Shoggoth too much. They have too much fear. But that’s why they’re going to make massive leaps.

But Dylan, at what point does the safety stuff scare away the Stargate deal that they’re going to need to make eventually? I mean, it already did. They had a better model than the original ChatGPT. They just didn’t release it. Not better than GPT-4, but better than 3.5. They just didn’t release it. They have a reasoning model. They won’t release it. If they released these things, they could probably get way more funding. And so, to some extent… But they also do have a mini Stargate with the Indiana Terranium 2 cluster.

I think it probably does scare away investments. You’re not going to get Stargate. You’re not going to get SoftBank YOLO-ing $25 billion. But at the same time, you build what’s needed instead of building in a lot of random directions like OpenAI. You only build towards AGI. OpenAI has a lot of silly stuff that’s not AGI, but attempted products, like SearchGPT. You know how much money they poured into that and no one uses it? There’s a lot of stuff that they could do better that OpenAI is wasting money on as well. So, I think Anthropic is winning. And the day they release the reasoning model, everybody will be like, “Oh, shit. Anthropic on top.” And then they won’t do anything for four months or six months and OpenAI will be better again. Every single time I talk… the cult is very much alive and well at Anthropic. The vibes are very strong internally.

We’ve seen it. A really motivated, strong team ship spread a product. That was OpenAI round one. But the Sam Altman thing kind of killed some of the vibes for some people. A lot of people left to go to Anthropic. That’s the torch of hyper-Shoggoth believers, scared as fuck, but also know exactly everything there is to know. I think they should… I think because O3’s out, it’s a reasoning model. You could just put out a less good reasoning model. What’s the harm in that?

Claude is really falling behind in terms of what is being used on a daily basis in terms of chatbots. For a while, they definitely seemed like a solid number two. But we now really focus on usage. And DeepSeek is blowing up. It’s actually past Gemini right now. We’ll see if it holds up. But in terms of usage, in the last 28 days, it’s ChatGPT, DeepSeek, Gemini, Perplexity and Claude. Oh, Character AI is above both of them. But that’s a whole different use case. And then you have Claude. And you’re like, “Come on, guys, do something.”

Do you think DeepSeek stays second place? Do you think they chase ChatGPT and become a consumer product company? No, DeepSeek will fall off real hard on usage in the West. I think DeepSeek is going to be the ChatGPT of China and Russia. You can see it. Because in some of these places, you cannot use ChatGPT. If you land in Hong Kong, you open it up, it says, “Can’t be used in this geography.” You do that in China, you can’t be used in China. They don’t allow you to use it in Russia and China. So, all of a sudden, DeepSeek just came out, and they’re like, “Yeah, anyone can use it.” The majority of the usage is not from the United States for DeepSeek. So, it’s like a bifurcation. In the same way that there is a Baidu for search in China, and there’s a Google in the United States, DeepSeek is going to become that for Russia and China. But what about India and Indonesia and Brazil?

Baidu makes $8 billion of revenue. What about India and Indonesia and Brazil? These guys use a lot of weird stuff. The unknown secret is that 70% of Perplexity users are from Indonesia. Not really 70, but it’s some absurd number. Interesting. What’s the dominant chatbot there? Is it ChatGPT? In India and Indonesia? I mean, Indonesia, like I said, most of their users are from Indonesia. Perplexity. I actually don’t know what India uses. Also, Perplexity has some good marketing. There’s a really funny meme thing where it’s like, “Oh, a new head of safety. You can use R1 on Perplexity.” They’re definitely trying to position themselves as top of funnel, where you can route to different models. You can use their thing. It’s almost like a… and I think they’ve been staying in the game more successfully than I thought they would. Honestly, I think they’re going to stay around.

So, then number one is OpenAI? Your final number one? It’s not a very strong grip on power. It’s like the Mandate of Heaven, for now. This is very tenuous. My favorite thing is so many of the early internet winners lost. Yahoo got Googled. Mosaic browser, what is that? That’s what I thought. That’s Adrian Van Driesen. The A16Z guy. Van Driesen literally made the first web browser ever and then proceeded to get absolutely owned by Netscape, and then Internet Explorer. I should do the browser wars. That’ll be fun. There’s a good book on it. I think it’s like, “How the Internet Came to Be,” or something. It’s the Stripe Press one. That’s a pretty good one in terms of the browser wars.

A lot of first movers got owned. And I definitely feel like that could be the case. But OpenAI also keeps shipping. Did you see the Sam Altman thing? It’s like, “What if your problems don’t matter if you strap a fridge and you put it into space?” That’s the plan. What if you just keep shipping and you keep pushing and all of a sudden, maybe at some point you do get the resources? They have billions of views. They have millions of users. They’re a top eight website. They’re an order of magnitude different than everyone else. And at some point scale does matter. They are serving way more queries. They are serving way more tokens. The tokenomics… if anyone’s going to figure it out, it’s them. So, there is a way that they could push that first-mover advantage and capitalize on it. But I do agree that there is a little bit of Mandate of Heaven for now. Is Anthropic going to do it? I don’t know.

How do they lose it? How would they lose the Mandate of Heaven? I don’t know. Anthropic has to ship like crazy, but Anthropic isn’t going to ship. Or the Northern Rebels to come across the wall. Agents, right? This is the thing that can change the dynamic. We’ve had the cursor thing, which… Anthropic’s one kind of sucked. OpenAI’s one kind of sucked too. But if you can figure that out… Pay my taxes for me stuff. I want the eval where the agents have to play each other in StarCraft.

I want the… no, the future is tens of thousands of AI agents fighting to make the best tax payment. And then only the winner lives. And that’s what we’ll be spending a billion dollars of CapEx for, a blood sport to get the most out of my taxes. That’s the future I want to live in. You want to talk about Jevons paradox? My coffee machine is going to have a thousand Einsteins fighting to make the best coffee. Every single thing. But it doesn’t matter. It’s like, oh, this Roomba actually has a billion people inside of it. Clean, figure out the best way. And only the most successful chain of thought, reasoning, whatever, wins. That’s what I want my NVIDIA GPU transistors to be spent on. Mixture of experts to the max.

Where would you put ByteDance and Alibaba? It’s a Dylan question. Dylan’s… he’s become dark. He looks like the guy from the X-Files. ByteDance is below Alibaba. Alibaba is below DeepSeek, but not by as much, because they have more compute, but they’re a little bit worse. So, generally ByteDance and Baba are worse than DeepSeek, XAI and such. Actually, Alibaba’s models are better than XAI’s models. But I assume they will fall behind at some point. Moonshot also. Moonshot’s the most used Chinese LLM as far as I know. Maybe not Moonshot, but it was before. I think ByteDance took their spot. I’ll do a Mandate of Heaven China post. I think that’s good content for us. So, you’re just farming transistor radio for Chinatalk content? This is imperialism. Colonialism.

He wants to censor us. He wants to conquer us. He wants to colonize us. You know how they have those… you conquer the city in Civilization or Total War and you got the two choices: inhabit it or raise it and get more gold out of it. I’m just clicking the raise it to get the gold every time. You better be careful. When I move to New York City, you better be careful. There could be some colonizing. There could be some censorship. This street can go both ways. I would definitely…

Do we have a new topic? We got 10 minutes. I think we’re good. We got this one in the can. We could do one throwaway topic. Anything. John, because I just want to hear you speak. Anything you want to talk about? I’ll take it seriously. Honda. I’m really into Honda and Nissan right now. I got a Nissan video I did, and there’s another one coming up. You had a video about the guy escaping Japan? In a tuba case? It was more like a musical instrument box, but yes.

I just thought they were forcing the two… like essentially tying two drunks together and being like, “National champion!” But what the hell? That itself is the description of Nissan. He joined Nissan, he kind of cut a bunch of stuff, and then he became… That guy kind of sucks. He’s kind of ruined every company. This is not his first… He was okay. He didn’t do that much at the tire company, but he did Michelin, tires, not stars. And basically, he joined Nissan, he cut a bunch of stuff, or he joined Renault, cut a bunch of stuff, then he joined Nissan, cut a bunch of stuff, and then he just kept pushing, pushing, pushing, and then they found out he had buying houses across the world in Nissan’s name. He kind of sucks. I’ve always thought he was overrated. He was perceived as this business champion, but I don’t know. He’s pretty overrated.

And then, got arrested, and then he smuggled himself out in a musical instrument box. Your guy’s no Sundar. I respect that. He’s no Sundar. But now, Honda and Nissan are trying to get together. Honda doesn’t want it. Nissan kind of doesn’t want it. Government wants it. Honda’s like, “You can join us if you lose 30 pounds, get plastic surgery, and look amazingly beautiful.” And then, Nissan’s like, “No, I don’t want to do that.” And now, Nissan’s trying to walk away. We don’t know what’s going to happen. Foxconn buyout, maybe.

What is with Japan recently choosing a national champion and forcing it down everyone’s throat? Rapidus is a good example. They bought JSR before it could actually… they’ve been weirdly involved in industrial policy for national champions. Much more than the past. MITI was always kind of like that. They forced Nissan and Prince together. Nissan is just… it’s like a bunch of Play-Doh thrown together. That’s probably why they suck so much and why Nissan was wanting to do this. But things are looking bad for them now, now that BYD is eating their lunch so hard in China and the United States. BYD eats all of our lunches. We’ll pay them for it.

I want to do a video someday. George, did you do a video about how Xiaomi got into cars? Because that’s so insane. Three years, and then they had a car. It’s crazy. Apple could have done it. They just got lazy. Foxconn was more than willing to do it for them. Foxconn literally made… my understanding is they had all the OEMs, ODMs were like, “Oh, we’ll do this.” And like, hey, that’s… yeah, they could. Honestly, alternative timeline, instead of spending however many billion dollars on the Vision Pro, they could have made some really cheap EVs for America. Tim Cook… he’s the opposite of what happens when you try to… He wasn’t cooking. Cookless. Could have saved us from Trump. Tim was, in fact, not cooking.

Tim Cook was good, and he helped the iPhone become way more than this. I think he’s 65 or something. He’ll retire soon. But basically, he’s stuck too hard to that. If there’s a company that is vulnerable to its changing place in the world, it has to be Apple. Their entire vibe is, “We sell a crap ton of phones, and then we choke the crap out of the apps on top of our phones, and everything’s phone first,” and they’re so married to the platform. The platform shifts against them, goodbye. They made the bet. They’re the ultimate hyper winner, and they decided, “We’re never going to ever do anything other than our greatest bet.” Honestly, that’s probably the right decision, because more often than not, companies try to make the leap, and they mess it up. But now the golden goose is extremely old. They tried. They tried to make a car. They tried to make a lot of things. They spent a lot on it, too. $10 billion.

They could have made… Foxconn, they developed their own lithium-ion battery. They developed the drivetrain. They did all this. They were waiting for it. That was for Apple. But then Apple was like, “Nah.” Foxconn, they could have… N7’s a great car. Look at all these tech companies spending $75 billion. Apple could have done that five years ago. They’re loaded. That thing’s been spitting out cash and buying back shares the entire time. It’s good for the stock, sure. It’s a financial engineering thing. It’s been financially engineered, and you have a super golden goose and you have a platform shifting underneath you and the multiple is insanely high. I feel like Apple is probably the most fragile company of the big tech. CarPlay is a great product, but no one’s going to use CarPlay because they want to do the OS themselves.

There’s going to be 10,000 eager servants killing each other in your car just to give you the best, most sultry voice. They’ll be like, “How can I save this man 40 seconds on his way to commute?” 10,000 workers are going to kill themselves. Trillions of tokens will fight just for the right to give you the right answer. Who cares about CarPlay? So, who’s your dream Tim Cook successor? Dylan Patel.

They’re probably going to pick someone internally. Some guy who’s been doing COO stuff for a long time. Probably… maybe he’s like the John Ternus guy, or whoever’s running the iPhone right now. Bring back Nat Gross. Save Apple intelligence. Apple intelligence is actually just spending a lot of transistors. Every single thing Steve Jobs has ever written or done or said. And then they put it into one ginormous instance and they say, “Tell me what the next token, what would this man do?” And then he becomes the… they first started him as a chair. They first started him on the board. They put him on the board because they could use him. Who’s going to… Steve Jobs, bro. And then all of a sudden you have a new CEO and then 10,000 Steve Jobs will be fighting each other for the best product. And you’ll only see the beautiful chain. All in one iPhone. 10,000. Just think about that. Think about how much Apple, how much innovation we would have. We’d have cars we couldn’t even imagine. 10,000 Steve Jobs.

Can you imagine the coffee out of that coffee machine? This is the best coffee ever. Apple will release a coffee machine just so they can do the 10,000 Steve Jobs coffee. This coffee machine is run by 10,000 Steve Jobs. They have the tokens. It’s just some screaming at each other. If an iPhone can have 10,000, how many can AirPods have? Because those you can directly listen to. I’m actually getting kind of bullish. It’s all reversing. 10,000 Steve Jobs jobs. They’ll just do every… yeah, every Steve Jobs alternative universe and they’ll tell you which is the right answer. That’s what’s going to happen. It’s like the Doctor Strange of Steve Jobs.

Let’s end this here. You should be scared of the Shoggoth, if that’s all I have to say. If there’s the 10,000 Steve Jobs, we’re all unemployed, guys. The transistor radio Mandate of Heaven has clearly been claimed by Doug O’Loughlin this week. Congratulations. Shut up. The show is actually more unhinged than me. A little bit. I feel like respectfully unhinged though. So anyway, Dylan’s a little demure today. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. Let the man rest. He’s been on a tear. He’s got to cool down a little bit. You guys want to start talking about rabbits out of hats? No. Dylan’s cooking. It was nice talking to you. See you guys next time. We’ll schedule this one again.