Josherich's Blog


Remaster Ugly Web Pages

23 Sep 2024

I made a tool to remaster ugly web pages.


Here’s the prompt:

give the html (including inline CSS in <style></style> tags and inline JavaScript code in <script></script> tags) source of the website in the screenshot:
- avoid using external CSS or JavaScript files.
- improve colors and layout and text readability using better font family.
- try to keep the DOM structure simple but capable of expressing the layout accurately.
- use the original source code at {url} for reference.
- use the reference URL to find the links of images, video and other external files, try to make their style and layout correct using inline CSS in <style> tags.
- summarize or rephrase the long text and only show the first 1000 words, and append "..." at the end.
- do not use the original text in the screenshot or url directly.
- specify image size in img tag's inline CSS style, also add 'border: 1px solid;' to show image borders.
- use src= in img tags to replace original images.