# Draw
# photos and observation
deep shadows will appear pure black in photo due to clipping.
colors tend to shift or weaken in chroma. subtle between adjacent warm or cool colors are not registered.
turn photo into black and white, to remove the influence of color, and loss of subtlty
take two exposures, one for darks and one for lights.
# color corona
extreme bright source is surrrounded by a region of corona
# annular highlights
highlights form a circle
# caustics
caustic projections in underwater
# hair
visualize masses of hair as ribbons, use big brushes, keep masses simple, soften the edges, control the highliths
# color zone of the face
yellow red blue
# healing color
green - blue - indigo - violet
# cool light, warm shadow
the hue, saturation, brightness of a background color can induce opposite qualities in an object sitting in front of it.
local colors appear consistent, due to human's experience.
small colored object becomes less distinct
# color accent
a small area of color that is noticetable different