# 2020-01-01
# It takes a lot to invert a binary
var x = 793; // input value
var y = x.toString(2);
var yl = y.length;
var mask = (Math.pow(2, yl) - 1); // calculate mask
var result = ~x & mask;
and you need to handle negative number as negative numbers use 2's complement notation
var x = -1
# Beautiful array has a beatiful solution
array a is a permutation of 1...N, for any pair i and j, no i < k < j s.t. a[k] * 2 = a[i] + a[j]
start from [1], construct concatenation of odd and even array(if we have equality a[k] * 2 = a[i] + a[j], i,j,k must have at least one odd, or one even number). Multiplication, addition constant and concatenation keep the i,j,k invariant.
[1] + [2]
[1,3] + [2,4]
[1,5,3,7] + [2,6,4,8]
# Array from trick to implement range(N)
let N = 10
let arr=Array.from({length:N}, (x,i)=>i+1);
# Zwitterion
the pipeline goes like: browser fetch resource -> proxy intercept and sent to babel or other transpiler -> babel transile orginal files and send back
bundling is just fetch the html
# Dancing links
# Doubly linked list
# 2020-01-02
# continuations
it transforms all code into a state machine and uses exceptions to save the state of all functions on the stack. This means that every function is transformed into a big switch statement with every expression as separate cases, giving us the ability to arbitrarily jump around.
wiki says: an abstract representation of the control state of a computer program. A continuation reifies the program control state…
call/cc: call-with-current-continuation
# private method leaks
function somePublicApi() {
console.log('public api called.')
(function() {
var privateFuncOne = function() {
console.log('secret one called.')
var privateFuncTwo = function() {
console.log('secret two called.')
window.exportFunc = function() {
let privateFuncOne, privateFuncTwo
somePublicApi = function() {
privateFuncOne = arguments.callee.caller;
privateFuncTwo = privateFuncOne.caller;
# bytecode peephole optimization
count regexp usage, if 'hot', compile it to native code
const re = /[^_]*/;
const str = 'a0b*c_ef';
// → matches 'a0b*c'
- Load current character.
- Check if character equals '_'.
- If not, advance current position in the subject string and goto 1.
replace sequences of bytecodes with a new optimized bytecode that combines the functionality of multiple bytecodes
can even handle the implicit loop created by the goto explicitly in the new bytecode, thus a single bytecode handles all matching characters, saving 16 dispatches.
# CodeStubAssembler
builtins and hand-written assembly in V8
type verificatio at IR(turboFan) level
byte code peephole opt:
- replace sequences of bytecodes with a new optimized bytecode that combines the functionality of multiple bytecodes
JIT-less V8 ( --jitless )
- allocating executable memory at runtime
- turboFan create native code for hot js functions, need to allocate memory at runtime, fast. but
- some disallow write to memory, and disallow write reduce exploit risk
- allocating executable memory at runtime
turboFan JIT implementation
- sea of nodes IR allow more reording
- AST to data-flow graph
- and convert to SSA, remove control dependency, compiler is free to move them
- control flow graph, group nodes to blocks
- reduction
- compute int range
- compute limits
- apply range and limits to decide length check is unnecessary
- move code(arr.length) out of loop
- sea of nodes IR allow more reording
ignition interpreter
# 2020-01-03
# Matisse EB
# dancing links, sodoku, polyominoes
exact cover problem
# 2020-01-04
streaming algorithm
string search algorithm
DFA, powerset construction
Knuth–Morris–Pratt computes a DFA that recognizes inputs with the string to search for as a suffix
Boyer–Moore starts searching from the end of the needle, so it can usually jump ahead a whole needle-length at each step
Baeza–Yates(Bitap) keeps track of whether the previous j characters were a prefix of the search string, and is therefore adaptable to fuzzy string searching
# 2020-01-05
Babel plugin system
Babel way: tokenizer, transform, codegen visitor
# 2020-01-06
max flow
# 2020-01-07
# import module, e.g. lodash, a benchmark
- The smallest bundle size could also be reached by using the babel-plugin-lodash together with lodash-webpack-plugin for cherry-picking only the used functions.
# web perf WG 2019
- SPA metrics, ways to measure soft navigation
- scheduling api
- CPU reporting
- memory api
# 2020-01-08
# a tricky linked list, Broken keyboard
const scase = "This_is_a_[Beiju]_text"
function solve(s) {
s = ' '+s
const n = s.length
let last = cur = 0
let next = []
next[0] = 0
for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
if (s[i] === "[") {
cur = 0
} else if (s[i] === "]") {
cur = last
} else {
next[i] = next[cur]
next[cur] = i
console.log(`next[${i}] = next[${cur}]`)
console.log(`next[${cur}] = ${i}`)
if (cur === last) last = i;
cur = i
let res = []
for (let i = next[0]; i !== 0; i = next[i]) {
// res.push(`${s[i]}:${i} `)
# doubly linked list, UVa 12657
function link(l, r) {
right[l] = r
left[r] = l
function solve(n, cmds) {
for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
left[i] = i-1
right[i] = (i+1) % (n+1)
right[0] = 1
left[0] = n
let m = cmds.length, inv = false
for (let j = 0; j < m; j++) {
let [op, x, y] = cmds[j]
if (op === 4) inv = !inv;
else {
if (op === 3 && right[y] === x) swap(x, y);
if (op !== 3 && inv) op = 3 - op;
if (op === 1 && x == left[y]) continue;
if (op === 2 && x = right[y]) continue;
let lx = left[x], rx = right[x], ly = left[y], ry = right[y]
if (op === 1) {
else if (op === 2) {
else if (op === 3) {
for (let i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
b = right[b]
if (i % 2 === 1) ans += b;
if (inv && n % 2 === 0) {
ans = n * (n+1)/2 - ans // flip odd and even
return ans
# UVa839, cover of CLRS!
let i = 0
function solve(ws) {
let [w1, d1, w2, d2] = ws[i]
if (i > ws.length) return
let b1 = true, b2 = true
if (!w1) [b1, w1] = solve(ws);
if (!w2) [b2, w2] = solve(ws);
return [b1 && b2 && (w1 * d1 === w2 * d2), w1 + w2]
function main(ws) {
let [b, w] = solve(ws)
console.log(b, w)
main([[0,2,0,4], [0,3,0,1], [1,1,1,1], [2,4,4,2], [1,6,3,2]])
# UVa 297, quadtree
# print subset binary
n = 10
function print_subset(n, s) {
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (s & (1<<i)) console.log(i);
for (let i = 0; i < (1<<n); i++) {
print_subset(n, i)
# 2020-01-10
#! /usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
# -e ensure stops on first command failure
# -u ensure stops on first unset variable, otherwise replace it with empty def values
# -o pipefail if any fail in pipeline, overall exit status is the one that fails
# 2020-01-14
# ideal path
# pairs of strings without common chars
Our algorithm will consist of three steps:
- For each set S of letters, find the longest word that consists of exactly those letters.
- For each set S of letters, find the longest word that consists of at most those letters (i.e., some letters may be unused, but you cannot use a letter that does not belong to S).
- For each word w, compute length(w) + length(longest word out of letters not in w) and pick the maximum.
Step 1 is easy: just take an array of size 2𝑎, then read the input, and for each word update the corresponding cell. This can be done in 𝑂(ℓ𝑛).
Step 2 can be done using dynamic programming. We process the subsets of our alphabet in the order 0, 1, ..., 2𝑎−1. (Note that this order that has the property that for any set S, all subsets of S are processed before S.) For each set of letters S, the best word for S is either the best word made out of exactly these letters (this we computed in phase 1), or at least one letter is unused. We try all possibilities for the unused letter and pick the best one. All of this takes 𝑂(𝑎2𝑎) time.
Step 3 is again easy. If we stored the set of letters for each word in step 1, step 3 can now be done in 𝑂(𝑛) time. Hence the overall time complexity is 𝑂(ℓ𝑛+𝑎2𝑎).
# 2020-01-16
# longest-repeating-character-replacement
function longestRepeat(s, k) {
let start = 0
for (let end = 0; end < s.length; end++) {
// we only need to know the length of most frequent char
maxCount = Math.max(maxCount, ++count[s[end]])
while(end - start + 1 - maxCount > k) {
maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, end - start + 1)
return maxLen
# label and input association
When a <label>
is clicked or tapped and it is associated with a form control, the resulting click event is also raised for the associated control.
# animation overview
box-shadow width event 'transitionend' Web Animations API
transition: transform 500ms ease-out; transition: transform 500ms cubic-bezier(0.465, 0.183, 0.153, 0.946);
Ensure that any animating element has will-change set for anything you plan to change well ahead of the animation starting. For view transitions, it’s highly likely you will want to use will-change: transform.
UI trigger by user: quick intro, slow outro display as quick as 100ms, view out as quick as 300ms
UI trigger by code(err, modal): slow intro, quick outro
CSS-based animations, and Web Animations where supported natively, are typically handled on a thread known as the "compositor thread"
Include initial-scale=1 to establish a 1:1 relationship between CSS pixels and device-independent pixels.
# media query
<link rel="stylesheet" media="(max-width: 640px)" href="max-640px.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" media="(min-width: 640px)" href="min-640px.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" media="(orientation: portrait)" href="portrait.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" media="(orientation: landscape)" href="landscape.css">
@media (min-width: 500px) and (max-width: 600px) {
h1 {
color: fuchsia;
.desc:after {
content:" In fact, it's between 500px and 600px wide.";
- don't use
min-width is based on the size of the browser window whereas min-device-width is based on the size of the screen. Unfortunately some browsers, including the legacy Android browser, don't report the device width properly; they report the screen size in device pixels instead of the expected viewport width.
In addition, using min-device-width can prevent content from adapting on desktops or other devices that allow windows to be resized because the query is based on the actual device size, not the size of the browser window.
setting width: 100% on a top level div, ensures that it spans the width of the viewport and is never too big or too small for the viewport.
Classic readability theory suggests that an ideal column should contain 70 to 80 characters per line (about 8 to 10 words in English)
# responsive pattern
# 2020-01-20
# 食物链 POJ1182
K pieces of information, either:
type 1: x, y belong to the same category type 2: x eats y
i[xyz]-m[ABC]: animal i belongs to category m
type 1: union x-A and y-A, x-B and y-B type 2: union x-A and y-B, x-B and y-C, and x-C and y-A
# subfolders to subdomain
location ^~ /admin/ {
rewrite ^/admin/(.*) http://admin.example.com/$1 permanent;
# Rails code stats
# Compressing tries(prefix trees)
node v is redundant if v is not the root node, and v has 1 child, compress chains of node with 1 child to 1 single node.
# tighyly packed tries
- use array represent of tree
# Github Actions
# 2020-01-22
# Knight's Shortest Path on Chessboard
use dijkstra, A*
symmetrical across the axes and the diagonals
(x,x) to (0,0): 2\lfloor \frac{x+2}{3}\rfloor, it takes two moves for (x+3,x+3) to (x,x)
(x,0) to (0,0): x - 2\lfloor\frac{x}{4}\rfloor, it takes two moves for (x+4,0) to (x,0)
it takes 4 moves for (2,2) to (0,0), 3 moves for (1,0) to (0,0)
or, the formula T(m,n) = 1 + min(T(m-2, n-1), T(m-1, n-2))
# text editor implementation
# aoapc solution
# suffix tree
Weiner 1973
online construction by Ukkonen 1995
optimal for all alphabets construction by farach 1997
a compressed trie
speed up for
- locating a substring in S
- locating a substring if a certain number of mistakes are allowed
- locating matches for a regular expression pattern
Suffix trees also provide one of the first linear-time solutions for the longest common substring problem
find longest repeated substrings
longest palindromic substring
# 2020-01-24
# heuristics and observations of teams resolving internet service outages
Klein shows us that teams have some advantages over individuals:
- a wider range of attention
- a broader range of expertise
- built-in variability
- a greater capability for reorganising their activities
- and the ability to work in parallel
Hollnagel enumerates a set of judgement heuristics often used in scenarios involving uncertainty and multiple conflicting goals:
- ETTO (efficiency-thoroughness trade-off)
- Similarity matching – judging the similarity between triggering conditions and stored attributes of appropriate action
- Frequency gambling – choosing among partially matched options based on the frequency of their occurence
- Representativeness – if it looks like X, it probably is X
- Availability – choosing by how easily the option comes to mind
- Focus gambling – opportunistically changing from one hypothesis to another
- Conservative gambling – moving slowly and incrementally to build up a hypothesis
- Simultaneous scanning – trying out several hypotheses at the same time
thematic vagabonding: Too much jumping between options, never getting deep enough in any one area
cognitive fixation: people can become fixated on a specific idea or solution even to the exclusion of incoming signals that indicate otherwise
case study etsy:
the big slowdown came because the 400 errors for the missing shop data bypassed the caching mechanism, causing a full request to be made on every page load
"process tracing"
four heuristic emerged
- First look for any correlation to the last change made to the system
- If no correlated change is implicated, then widen the diagnostic search space to any potential signals
- When forming hypotheses and evaluating diagnostic directions, use pattern matching of signals or symptoms to either specific past events or recent events.
- During incident management, prefer peer review of any code changes to gain confidence as opposed to automated tests or other procedures.
the greatest sources of success in automation-rich environments are (perhaps ironically) the adaptive capacities of human cognition and activity, not the pseudo-intelligence of the software
# 2020-01-25
# inline defer in Golang
- LIFO order
- For each deferred function, compiler generates a runtime.deferproc call at the call site and call into runtime.deferreturn at the return point of the function.
- in 1.14, compiler do inline for better perf
# 2020-01-26
# deep copy using structral clone
Safari limits the amount of calls to replaceState to 100 within a 30 second window.
function structuralClone(obj) {
const oldState = history.state;
history.replaceState(obj, document.title);
const copy = history.state;
history.replaceState(oldState, document.title);
return copy;
const obj = /* ... */;
const clone = structuralClone(obj);
# deep copy using MessageChannel
handle cyclical data structures, built-in data types like Map, Set and ArrayBuffer etc.
function structuralClone(obj) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const {port1, port2} = new MessageChannel();
port2.onmessage = ev => resolve(ev.data);
const obj = /* ... */;
const clone = await structuralClone(obj);
# postMessage perf
Even on the slowest devices, you can postMessage() objects up to 100KiB and stay within your 100ms response budget. If you have JS-driven animations, payloads up to 10KiB are risk-free.
# 2020-01-27
# Ocaml signature
- A signature specifies which components of a structure are accessible from the outside, and with which type.
# 2020-01-28
# Conditional Mutual Information
- form: any observable realization of language
- meaning: relation between forms and something external to language
- Turing test a,b, and octupus
# Schrodinger problem and connection with optimal transport
# Gradient Surgery for Multi-Task Learning
- projects a task’s gradient onto the normal plane of the gradient of any other task that has a conflicting gradient
# Multilingual Denoising Pre-training for Neural Machine Translation
# The Nonstochastic Control Problem
# 2020-01-29
# sync task
let cache = new Map();
let pending = new Map();
function fetchTextSync(url) {
if (cache.has(url)) {
return cache.get(url);
if (pending.has(url)) {
throw pending.get(url);
let promise = fetch(url).then(
response => response.text()
text => {
cache.set(url, text);
pending.set(url, promise);
throw promise;
async function runPureTask(task) {
for (;;) {
try {
return task();
} catch (x) {
if (x instanceof Promise) {
await x;
} else {
throw x;
// run
function getUserName(id) {
var user = JSON.parse(fetchTextSync('/users/' + id));
return user.name;
function getGreeting(name) {
if (name === 'Seb') {
return 'Hey';
return fetchTextSync('/greeting');
function getMessage() {
let name = getUserName(123);
return getGreeting(name) + ', ' + name + '!';
runPureTask(getMessage).then(message => console.log(message));
# Language Server Protocol
idea: document server protocol
- plugin service
- semantic service
# 2020-01-30
# Normalization of deviance
John Banja, normalization of deviance in health care
The paper has specific sub-sections on how to prevent normalization of deviance, which I recommend reading in full
- Pay attention to weak signals
- Resist the urge to be unreasonably optimistic
- Teach employees how to conduct emotionally uncomfortable conversations
- System operators need to feel safe in speaking up
- Realize that oversight and monitoring are never-ending
tech postmortem blog post
cargo cult diffusion
If there were an acute failure, you might see a postmortem, but while we'll do postmortems for "the site was down for 30 seconds", we rarely do postmortems for "this takes 10x as much ops effort as the alternative and it's a death by a thousand papercuts", "we architected this thing poorly and now it's very difficult to make changes that ought to be trivial", or "a competitor of ours was able to accomplish the same thing with an order of magnitude less effort". I'll sometimes do informal postmortems by asking everyone involved oblique questions about what happened, but more for my own benefit than anything else, because I'm not sure people really want to hear the whole truth. This is especially sensitive if the effort has generated a round of promotions, which seems to be more common the more screwed up the project. The larger the project, the more visibility and promotions, even if the project could have been done with much less effort.
mediapipe project
magic n: 0061736d
WebAssembly has the following value types:
i32: 32-bit integer i64: 64-bit integer f32: 32-bit floating point f64: 64-bit floating point Each parameter and local variable has exactly one value type. Function signatures consist of a sequence of zero or more parameter types and a sequence of zero or more return types. (Note: in the MVP, a function can have at most one return type).
table and memory section implement core security
-s SIDE_MODULE=2, generate side module
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch("side_module.wasm"), importObject).then(result => {
const value = result.instance.exports._Increment(17); console.log(value.toString());
importObject: {
env: {
memory: {}
Module.ccall(name, returnTypes, [returns], [args])
#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
#include <emscripten.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern C {
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef void(*onSuccess) (void)
typedef void(*onError) (const char*)
# 2020-02-02
# Rust
use rand::Rng;
match guess.cmp(&secret_number) {
Ordering::Less => println!(" ")
_ => " "
let guess : u32 = match guess.trim().parse() {
Ok(num) => num,
Err(_) => continue,
let tup : (i32, f64, u8) = (500, 6.4, 1);
fn five() -> i32 {
let mut guess = String::new()
io::stdin().read_line(&mut guess).expect("Fail")
let guess : u32 = guess.trim().parse().expect(" ")
for element in a.iter() { }
for number in (1..4).rev() { }
enum Message {
Move { x: i32, y: i32 },
enum Option<T> {
let y : Option<i8> = Some(5) = None
let v : Vec<i32> = Vec::new();
let v = Vec![1,1,2]
let third : &i32 = &v[2]
let third : &i32 = v.get(2)
for i in &v { }
for i in &mut v { }
// deref coersion
let s3 = s1 + &s2
use std::collections::HashMap;
let mut scores = HashMap::new();
let scores : HashMap<_,_> = teams.iter().zip(initial.iter()).collect()
enum Result<T, E. {
let f = match f {
Ok(file) => file,
Err(error) => {
println!("{:?}", error)
match f.read_to_string(&mut s)
impl Guess {
pub fn new(value: u32) -> Guess
fn largest<T>(list: &[T]) -> T { }
struct Point<T> {
x: T,
y: T,
impl <T> Point<T> {
fn x(&self) -> &T {
// Trait Type
// Trait Bound
fn some_f<T, U>(t: T, u: U) -> i32
where T: Display + Clone,
U: Clone + Debug,
// lifetimes
fn largest<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &'a str) -> &'a str { }
// smart pointer
// allows mutable borrows checked at runtime
// prevent ref cycle
// branch, leaf
*leaf.parent.borrow_mut() = Rc::downgrade(&branch)
// thread
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
let handle = thread::spawn(|| {
// thread take ownership
thread::spawn(move || { })
# 2020-02-04
# opslang
# G style guide
# 2020-02-25
gh pr [status, list, view, checkout, create]
gh issue [status, list, view, create]
gh help
# 2020-02-26
# EditorConfig
indent_style: tab, space
indent_size: tab, int
tab_width: int
end_of_line: lf, crlf, cr
latin1 utf-8 utf-16be utf-16le utf-8-bom
# 2020-02-28
# top k freq word
# Split text into words by replacing non-word characters with newlines
tr -cs A-Za-z '\n' |
# Convert uppercase to lowercase
tr A-Z a-z |
# Sort so that identical words occur adjacently
sort |
# Count occurrences of each line
uniq -c |
# Sort numerically by decreasing number of word occurrences
sort -rn |
# Quit after printing the K specified number of words
sed ${1}q
# find the top K pairs of words and print the Levenshtein distance between each pair
# Split text into words by replacing non-word characters with newlines
tr -cs A-Za-z '\n' |
# Convert uppercase to lowercase
tr A-Z a-z |
# Make pairs out of words by testing and storing the previous word
awk 'prev {print prev, $1} {prev = $1}' |
# Sort so that identical words occur adjacently
sort |
# Count occurrences of each line
uniq -c |
# Sort numerically by decreasing number of word occurrences
sort -nr |
# Print the K specified number of pairs
head -n $1 |
# Remove the occurrence count, keeping the two words
awk '{print $2, $3}' |
# Print the Levenshtein distance between word pair (autosplit into @F)
perl -a -MText::LevenshteinXS -e 'print distance(@F), "\n"'
# 2020-03-07
The single most important thing we can do for a pandemic—whether avian flu or not—is to have well-prepared local health care systems. We should prepare for pandemics in ways that are politically sustainable and remain useful even if an avian flu pandemic does not occur.
Prepare social norms and emergency procedures which would limit or delay the spread of a pandemic. Regular hand washing, and other beneficial public customs, may save more lives than a Tamiflu stockpile.
Decentralize our supplies of anti-virals and treat timely distribution as more important than simply creating a stockpile.
Institute prizes for effective vaccines and relax liability laws for vaccine makers. Our government has been discouraging what it should be encouraging.
Respect intellectual property by buying the relevant drugs and vaccines at fair prices. Confiscating property rights would reduce the incentive for innovation the next time around.
Make economic preparations to ensure the continuity of food and power supplies. The relevant “choke points” may include the check clearing system and the use of mass transit to deliver food supply workers to their jobs.
Realize that the federal government will be largely powerless in the worst stages of a pandemic and make appropriate local plans.
Encourage the formation of prediction markets in an avian flu pandemic. This will give us a better idea of the probability of widespread human-to-human transmission.
Provide incentives for Asian countries to improve their surveillance. Tie foreign aid to the receipt of useful information about the progress of avian flu.
Reform the World Health Organization and give it greater autonomy from its government funders.
And also from later on:
We should not expect to choke off a pandemic in its country of origin. Once a pandemic has started abroad, we should shut schools and many public places immediately.
We should not obsess over avian flu at the expense of other medical issues. The next pandemic or public health crisis could come from any number of sources. By focusing on local preparedness and decentralized responses, this plan is robust to surprise and will also prove useful for responding to terrorism or natural catastrophe
# 五力分析
# prog principle id software
Lampson’s timeless paper on system design
Principle 1: Just do it (and do it well). This doesn’t necessarily mean overly complicate your current version of the product. In fact, this may one way of describing the iterative development practice. Build something that does one thing really well and keep improving upon it constantly. Just keep your quality standards high in each iteration.
Principle 2: Keep your code always runnable. In his talk, Romero mentions how they had programmed the code to show an image of a bagel when the user hit an error loading a sprite. By adding good defaults/fallbacks, they made the game still playable. Had they not done this, the user would be blocked until the bug had been fixed (i.e. lost productivity hours). You can imagine how important this becomes as an engineering team grows larger. A practical example of this is using defaultProps in ReactJS.
Principle 3: Keep it simple. This is obviously not novel. Call it Occam’s Razor or the KISS principle, keeping things as simple as possible is timeless great advice.
Principle 4: Invest time in building great tools. In his talk, Romero mentioned that he built a level editor called TED. The time he spent building TED paid hefty dividends, since it immensely helped them rapidly ship one game after the other by boosting productivity. Since those days, there has been an explosion of developer tools that have helped boost developer productivity. But if something off-the-shelf doesn’t cut it, try to identify whether an internal tool can help your developers be at their most productive (even if it can take development resources off the main product).
Principle 5: Test your code thoroughly. This covers many topics that many of the most effective engineering teams use as best practices: (a) dogfood your product as much as possible; (b) don’t delegate to others (e.g. QA engineers, or worse, customers) to find bugs in your code; (c) write as many tests as possible to accompany your code.
Principle 6: Fix bugs as soon as possible. We are very strict about this at AgentRisk, a practice we’ve carried over from our previous startups. During our daily stand-ups, we make sure that any new bugs have the highest priority and get fixed ASAP. Obviously, not all bugs are equal, so some business-related judgement is warranted here.
Principle 7: Use a superior development system. This is one that may mostly apply to game development. In other cases, you may want to go the other route when it comes to testing during development. For example, you may have users running your application on a mobile device that has very inferior specs, or they may be accessing your web application over a high-latency 2G connection. Make sure they don’t have a sucky UX.
Principle 8: Write code for this version of the product. This mostly translates to “don’t transfer over limitations of your past code and its implementation to future code”. This is a tricky one and kind of ties with Principle 4 . As engineers, we are often tempted to “rewrite everything” from scratch. This is where having experienced engineering leadership is really important. Often, the choice to take the plunge and do a new implementation can pay dividends down the line (similar to building tools). For example, as Slack started scaling, they scraped their v1.0 implementation entirely and moved to a brand new architecture, reaping the rewards many times over. We also had a similar experience moving from Python to Elixir, having a much more robust codebase and much increased developer productivity.
Principle 9: Use good component abstractions. This is really hard. If you have ever built and maintained an API, you know how hard it is to get it right (especially the first time). In his talk, Romero gives the example of encapsulate the functionality of a torch together with the flame and other related objects. Had they needed to move or update all torch instances in a level, having more a granular abstraction could have led to e.g. forgetting to move/update a flame. Spend a lot of time on this and try to get this right the first time. There will be compounding rewards in development and debugging time.
Principle 10: Seek feedback from peers while coding. Using code review software can help with this. For more complex parts of a product, advance architecture review may be warranted. In any case, make sure you promote a culture that values communication and seeking feedback.
# 2020-03-08
# rate table sort by name:
grep -nR '= \w*Table.new' lib/undertaker | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"}{print "-L " $2","$2" "$1}' | xargs -I % sh -c 'git blame -e %' | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn > blame_rates_name.log
# rate table sort by time
grep -nR '= \w*Table.new' lib/undertaker | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"}{print "-L " $2","$2" "$1}' | xargs -I % sh -c 'git blame -e %' | egrep -o '\((.*) .*\)' | awk '{print $(NF-3)}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn > blame_rates_date.log
# if cond sort by name:
grep -nR 'if \w* == "\w' lib/undertaker | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"}{print "-L " $2","$2" "$1}' | xargs -I % sh -c 'git blame -e %' | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn > if_cond_name.log
# if cond sort by time
grep -nR 'if \w* == "\w' lib/undertaker | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"}{print "-L " $2","$2" "$1}' | xargs -I % sh -c 'git blame -e %' | egrep -o '\((.*) .*\)' | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn > if_cond_date.log
'= \w*Table.new'
# rate table
# 996 results in 264 files
'\w* == "\w'
# compare strings
# 1023 results in 118 files
# when clause(endorsements)
# 4596 results in 266 files
'if \w+.?nil\?'
# var.nil?
# 68 results in 31 files
# rate table rows
# >10000 results in 116 files
# awk
# if, START and END clause
awk '{if ($(NF-2) == "200") {print $0}}' logs.txt
awk '{a+=$(NF-2)}END{print "Total:", a}' logs.txt
# git blame
git blame -L 1,5 README.md
# --porcelain
# --show-stats
# --incremental
# -f show file name
# -e email address
# -w ignore whitespace changes
# -M option detects moved or copied lines within in the same file, show original author
# -C option detects lines that were moved or copied from other files, show original author
# count the number of lines attributed to each author
git blame --line-porcelain file |
sed -n 's/^author //p' |
sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
# xargs
# -I string format
cat foo.txt | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo %; mkdir %'
# -t option prints each command that will be executed to the terminal.
# -p command will print the command to be executed and prompt the user to run it
# China brith rate
1.7-1.8 fertility rate
% of elderly (65+) 2020 16% 2030 25% 2040 33% 2050 38% 2060 41%
# all you can eat economy
break down a $20 buffet
buffets, like most restaurant, operate on a extremely thin margins: for every $20 in revenue, $19 might go toward overhead, leaving only $1(5%) in net profit
food(37%), labor(30%), rent(14%), other(14%)
At a typical restaurant, a cook can service 25 customers per hour — and that’s at best
a single buffet cook might be able to prep enough food for 200 people.
5% - 25% food will be wasted
buying food in bulk
cost per serving
- potatos - $0.3
- salad - $0.5
- pasta - $0.75
- chicken - $1.13
- steak - $2.25
- cheap stuff at front of line
- smaller plates
- larger than average spoon for patato, smaller than avg spoon for meats
- frequently refill water, use extra large glasses
1/20 over eaters
the number of buffets in America has fallen by 26% since 1998 — even as the total number of all restaurants in America has risen by 22%.
# will coronavirus harm Trump's reelection
Foreign country did this better than us” is never an argument that works in American politics.
absolute performance is not what matters, but rather whether the economy is gaining momentum. if the coronavirus situation is improving in the months leading up to November, Trump will receive some credit for that
politcians are rewarded electorally for their reponse to disasters, not for preparations.
# git undoing
git log --oneline
# remove untracked
git clean -n
git clean -di
# 抵挡遗忘
- Internet Archive 国际档案库时光穿梭机 自动抓取网页信息:https://archive.org/web/
- 常春藤联盟各大图书馆联合发起的信息采集:https://archive-it.org/home/IvyPlus?
- 斯坦福大学收集的中国非政府组织已经下线的网站存档:https://exhibits.stanford.edu/chinese-ngos
- 海德堡大学收集的当代中国研究资料集;点击左边“浏览”和“搜索”可以看到标题和其它信息,下载全文需要注册用户。https://www.zo.uni-heidelberg.de/boa/digital_resources/dachs/about_en.html
# 2020-03-10
# 西州回鹘
# EricRaymond
recent attempts to subvert OSD clauses 5 and 6
# autoML zero
# Git hooks
Run rubocop and test on git commit diff-code
- Simple: use bash hooks
- Complex: use overcommit
- Stop too short commit msg
- Rubocop check
- Run test cases of diff code
bundle exec rake test:[diff]
- Run
npm run format:check
on JavaScript code (title team)format:check: eslint \"**/*.js\" && prettier-check \"**/*.{js,json,md}\"
# 2020-03-13
# British government's strategy
Herd immunity isn’t the spread of natural immunity amongst a population.
Cancelling large events is not effective, reducing the peak by less than 5%
Public fatigue: people get bored and leave their homes just as the peak hits
# Camus 鼠疫
# Bamboo ceiling
East Asians were lower in assertiveness, which consistently mediated the leadership attainment gap between East Asians and South Asians.
# 2020-03-14
# Advanced Python
# remove overhead
# PyPy includes slots optimization
import ipython_memory_usage.ipython_memory_usage as imu
# use smartcd to automatically activate and deactivate virtualenv
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import Counter
from collections import deque
from collections import namedtuple
Animal = namedtuple('Animal', 'name age type')
perry = Animal(name="Perry", age=31, type="cat")
from enum import Enum
class Species(Enum):
cat = 1
dog = 2
import inspect
one liner https://wiki.python.org/moin/Powerful%20Python%20One-Liners
python -m http.server
from pprint import pprint
python -c "import csv,json;print json.dumps(list(csv.reader(open('csv_file.csv'))))"
for else
for item in container:
if search_sth:
c extension
gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,adder -o adder.so -fPIC add.c # linux
gcc -shared -Wl,-install_name,adder.so -o adder.so -fPIC add.c # mac
from ctypes import *
adder = CDLL('./adder.so')
res_int = adder.add_int(4,5)
# swig
file io
import io
with open('photo.jpg', 'rb') as inf:
jpgdata = inf.read()
if jpgdata.startswith(b'\xff\xd8'):
text = u'This is a JPEG file (%d bytes long)\n'
text = u'This is a random file (%d bytes long)\n'
with io.open('summary.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outf:
outf.write(text % len(jpgdata))
function cache
from functools import lru_cache
def fib:
context manager
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(type, value, traceback):
# or
from contextlib import contextmanager
def open_file(name):
f = open(name, 'w') yield f
# implement Golang channel in JS
import "./styles.css";
document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = `
<h1>Hello Vanilla!</h1>
We use Parcel to bundle this sandbox, you can find more info about Parcel
<a href="https://parceljs.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here</a>.
var jchan = Chan()
js function(i) {
var k = 'hey'
jchan <- k
jchan.then(e => {
.catch(err => {
// =============
const gresolve = null
var jchan = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
gresovle = resolve
// vvvvvvvvvvvvv worker.js
// importScripts("../../../dist/umd/comlink.js");
var k = 'hey'
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
const worker = new Worker("worker.js");
// WebWorkers use `postMessage` and therefore work with Comlink.
const obj = Comlink.wrap(worker);
// vvvvvvvvvvvvv or async
setTimeout(function() {
var k = 'hey'
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
jchan.then(e => {
.catch(err => {
throw new Error(err)
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